











Aerosol Science and Engineering, Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health Science of The Total Environment等期刊审稿人


Ÿ 教育背景




Ÿ 工作经历



Ÿ 研究方向





Ÿ 科研项目

[1]. 青岛市典型含氧挥发性有机物(OVOCs)的分布、来源及对臭氧生成的影响,山东省自然科学基金(青年项目),ZR2022QD111,15万,2023.01-2025.12(在研),课题负责人

[2]. 青岛理工大学高层次人才引进计划项目,2021.11-2024.11,青岛理工大学,20万元,课题负责人

[3]. Photochemical Air Pollution in Highly Urbanized Subtropical Regions: from Microenvironments to Urban terrestrial oceanic Interactions,HK RGC Theme-based Research Scheme,T24/504/17, 3333万,2018.01-2022.12(在研),子课题主要负责人。

[4]. Characterisation and evaluation of the feasibility of miniaturised gas cleaning devices as control of cooking oil fume from different styles of restaurants in Hong Kong,HK EPD Environment and Conservation Fund,ECF 63/2019, 196.1万,2020.07-2023.07(在研),主要参与人。

[5]. 纳米光催化大气污染控制技术研究与示范应用,科技部国家重点研发计划纳米科技重点专项,2016YFA0203000,1934万,2016.07-2021.07(结题),主要参与人。

Ÿ 科研论文

[1] Tan, Y., Han S.W., Chen Y., Wu Z.B., Lee, S.C.*, 2023. Long-term variation and evaluation of air quality across Hong Kong. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 127: 284-294.

[2] Han, S.W., Li, X.W., Tan, Y.*(通讯作者), Huang, Y., Wu, Z.B., Lee, S.C.*, 2023. In-situ self-sacrificed fabrication of insulator-based SrTiO3/SrCO3 heterojunction interface for gaseous HCHO and NO photocatalytic degradation. Applied Surface Science, 612: 155806.

[3] Han S.W., Tan, Y.*(通讯作者), Gao Y, Li, X.W., Ho S.S.H, Wang M, Lee, S.C.*, 2023. Volatile organic compounds at a roadside site in Hong Kong: Characteristics, chemical reactivity, and health risk assessment. Science of The Total Environment, 161370.

[4] Tan, Y., Han, S.W., Chen, Y., Zhang Z.Z., Li, H.W., Li, W.Q., Yuan, Q., Li, X.W., Wang, T., Lee, S.C.*, 2021. Characteristics and source apportionment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at a coastal site in Hong Kong. Science of The Total Environment, 777, 146241.

[5] Tan, Y., Liu, C., Ho, K.F., Ma, Q.X., Lee, S.C.*, 2021. Characterization of an indoor environmental chamber and identification of C1–C4 OVOCs during isoprene ozonolysis. Indoor and Built Environment, 30, 554-564.

[6] Chen Y.1, Tan Y.1 (共同一作), Zheng P.G., Wang Z.*, Zou Z.X., Ho, K.F., Lee, S.C.*, Wang, T., 2022. Effect of NO2 on nocturnal chemistry of isoprene: Gaseous oxygenated products and secondary organic aerosol formation. Science of The Total Environment, 842: 156908.

[7] Liu, T., Xiong, Z., Ni, P., Ma Z.Z., Tan, Y., Li, Z.S., Deng, S.N., Li, Y.C., Yang, Q.R., Zhang, H.W.*, 2023. Review on adsorbents in elemental mercury removal in coal 1 combustion flue gas, smelting flue gas and natural gas. Chemical Engineering Journal, 454, 140095.

[8] Han, Z.Y., Zhang, Y.S. *, Zhang, H.Y., Ge, X., Gu, D.S., Liu, X.H., Bai J.H., Ma Z.Z., Tan, Y., Zhu, F., Xia, S.Y., Du, J.H., Tan Y.R., Shu, X., Tang J.C., Sun, Y.J., 2023. Impacts of Drought and Rehydration Cycles on Isoprene Emissions in Populus nigra Seedlings. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 14528.

[9] Wang, X.Y., Zhang, Y.S.*, Tan, Y.R., Tan, Y., Bai, J.H., Gu, D.S., Ma Z.Z., Du, J.H., Han, Z.Y., 2022. Effects of light on the emissions of biogenic isoprene and monoterpenes: A review. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 13, 101397.

[10] Chen, Y., Zheng, P.G., Wang, Z.*, Pu, W., Tan, Y., Yu, C., Xia, M., Wang, W.H., Guo, J., Huang, D.D., Yan, C., Nie, W., Ling, Z.H., Chen, Q., Lee, S.C., Wang, T., 2021. Secondary Formation and Impacts of Gaseous Nitro-Phenolic Compounds in the Continental Outflow Observed at a Background Site in South China. Environmental Science & Technology, 56, 6933–6943.

[11] Lau, Y.S., Chan, M.N., Poon, H.Y., Tan, Y., Lee, S.C., Li, J.J., Ho, K.F.*, 2021. Chemical composition of gas and particle phase products of toluene photooxidation reaction under high OH exposure condition. Atmosphere, 12, 915.

[12] Lyu, X.P., Guo, H.,* Yao, D.W., Lu, H.X., Huo, Y.X., Xu, W., Kreisberg, N., Goldstein, A.H., Jayne, J., Worsnop, D., Tan, Y., Lee, S.C., Wang, T., 2020. In Situ Measurements of Molecular Markers Facilitate Understanding of Dynamic Sources of Atmospheric Organic Aerosols. Environmental Science & Technology, 54, 11058-11069.

[13] Zhang, Z.Z., Gao, Y., Yuan, Q., Tan, Y., Li, H.W., Cui, L., Huang, Y., Cheng, Y., Xiu, G.L., Lai, S.C., Chow, J.C., Watson, J.G., Lee, S.C.*, 2020. Effects of indoor activities and outdoor penetration on PM2.5 and associated organic/elemental carbon at residential homes in four Chinese cities during winter. Science of The Total Environment, 739, 139684.

[14] Gong, H., Chu, W.,* Xu, K.H., Xia, X.J., Gong, H., Tan, Y., Pu, S.Y.*, 2020. Efficient degradation, mineralization and toxicity reduction of sulfamethoxazole under photo-activation of peroxymonosulfate by ferrate (VI). Chemical Engineering Journal, 389, 124084.

[15] Li, H.W., Wang, D.F., Cui, L., Gao, Y., Huo, J., Wang, X., Zhang, Z.Z., Tan, Y., Huang, Y., Cao, J.J., Chow, J.C., Lee, S.C.*, Fu, Q.Y.*, 2020. Characteristics of atmospheric PM2.5 composition during the implementation of stringent pollution control measures in shanghai for the 2016 G20 summit. Science of the total environment, 648, 1121-1129.

Ÿ 发明专利

[1] Tan, Y., Han, S.W., Lee, S.C.* Walk-in Type Air Pollution Simulation Reaction Chamber, 香港发明专利授权, HK30040962.

[2] 李顺诚*;李欣蔚;李海玮;谈琰;张卓智,一种复合光催化材料在光催化降解甲醛中的应用,中国发明专利申请, 202110649209.0.


[1] 2018 Outstanding Poster Presentation Award, AGU JING (Joint International Network in Geoscience) Meeting

[2] 2017优秀报告奖,第23届中国大气环境科学与技术大会暨中国环境科学学会大气环境分会2017年学术年会

[3] 2017-2020香港大学教育资助委员会博士研究奖学金(全额)

[4] 2013西安交通大学思源奖学金